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Eco matcha
What does matcha taste like? Plus

Matcha tastes like an earthy, creamy type of green tea, with less bitterness and more umami flavor. Similar to papaya (without acid) and slightly nutty like cashews. Hard to explain but very tasty.

Since many are still discovering the taste, matcha is often sweetened, mixed with milk and supplemented with chai, vanilla or cinnamon.

Some of our customers have never tried matcha before receiving their first Matchaland can. That's why we offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee.

If you don't like it, simply send it back and we'll give you a full refund.

Why is matcha more expensive than green tea? Plus

Making ceremony quality matcha powder is very complicated, time consuming and requires additional work - but it's worth it:

Matcha powder has 10 times the amount of antioxidants compared to a regular cup of green tea (luckily it doesn't cost 10 times as much) and as much caffeine as a cup of coffee.

Can you enjoy matcha during pregnancy? Plus

As a general rule, excessive caffeine consumption is not recommended during pregnancy.

One cup of matcha contains less than 30 mg of caffeine. Therefore, you should be fine with drinking one cup per day.

However, we are not doctors and always recommend that you consult your doctor before drinking matcha during your pregnancy.

Is there a limit to how much matcha I can drink per day? Plus

That’s up to you and your body to decide! The same limits you would set for coffee should also apply to matcha - we've been drinking up to 4 servings a day (4x30mg caffeine is like a large Red Bull).

What if I don’t like matcha? Plus

Many of our customers have never tried matcha before receiving their first Matchaland can. That's why we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee if you don't like it.

Cart Order process
How soon will I receive my order? Plus

We have 2 shipping options that you can select at checkout:

A Mail: 1-2 working days
B-Post: 3-4 working days

What payment methods are accepted? Plus
  • Credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express)
  • PostFinance card & e-finance
  • PayPal
  • Klarna
  • Purchase on account
  • Bank transfer (via Klarna)
What is the return policy? Plus

If you don't like the matcha, you can simply return it to us within 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

Customer Reviews

Based on 36 reviews
Ronja S. (Basel)
Wie bereitest du deinen Matcha zu?: Mit Vanillemilch von Alpro und Honig
Was hast du getrunken, bevor du auf Matcha umgestiegen bist?: 8-10 Kaffee täglich
Begeistert beim ersten Versuch :D

Ich habe zum ersten Mal Matcha ausprobiert und bin begeistert. Super süss finde ich den Brief der mit meinem Namen versehen war und die beigelegten Rezept Ideen rund um den Matcha, das hat mir sehr geholfen (: der geschenkte Shaker hat eine super Grösse.

Sarah R. (Zurich)
Wie bereitest du deinen Matcha zu?: Hafermilch, kalt
Was hast du getrunken, bevor du auf Matcha umgestiegen bist?: Kaffee
Super leckerer Matcha

Das Matchapulver ist toll. Ich brauche keinen Kaffee mehr :) Auch den Chai Matcha ist fantastisch

Beatrice B. (Bern)
Wie bereitest du deinen Matcha zu?: Kuhmilch oder Mandelmilch
Was hast du getrunken, bevor du auf Matcha umgestiegen bist?: Kaffee
Tut was sie soll

Ich brauche die Flasche täglich und bin zufrieden.

Daisy L. (Zurich)
Wie bereitest du deinen Matcha zu?: Milch Drink, Mandelmilch
Was hast du getrunken, bevor du auf Matcha umgestiegen bist?: Kaffee
Starte voller Energie in den Tag

Genuss pur und einen angenehmen Energiesschub für den ganzen Tag! Insbedondere den matcha chai finde ich wahnsinnig gut. Mit frisch aufgeschäumter Milch oder mit kalter amikch und Eiswürfeln… super lecker!