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5 reasons why you should switch from coffee to matcha:

Discover why 10,000+ Swiss switched from coffee to matcha.

1) No energy crash

Matcha and coffee both contain caffeine - but they have completely different effects!

Coffee : Coffee gives you the well-known caffeine kick that lasts for one to two hours. But after this time, the caffeine is quickly metabolized by the body, so the effect wears off.

Then comes the infamous afternoon slump: you become totally tired and listless and only another cup of coffee can help.

Matcha: Because you consume the whole plant with matcha, including fiber, polyphenols and L-theanine, the caffeine is absorbed more slowly in the body, so you enjoy a long-lasting energy boost for several hours without becoming jittery.

Matcha also has a much gentler aftertaste, so you won't end up in a slump in the afternoon, but will feel fitter all day long.

Conclusion: Coffee gives you a short kick, followed by a low. Matcha gives you a long-lasting, gentle energy boost that stays with you throughout the day.

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2) Better concentration

Viele Matcha-Liebhaber schwören auf Matcha als Produktivitäts-Hack - doch was ist wirklich dran?

Kaffee: Das enthaltene Koffein hebt die Energie kurzfristig, vor allem morgens. Es beseitigt die Morgenmüdigkeit und sorgt dafür, dass du morgens um 8 Uhr schon im Büro sitzen kannst. Gleichzeitig wirst Du hibbelig, nervös und Deine Konzentration kann abnehmen.

Viele Kaffeetrinker berichten auch von einem zittrigen Gefühl, wenn zu viel Kaffee konsumiert wurde.

Matcha: Ein grosser Unterschied zwischen Kaffee und Matcha ist die Zusammensetzung der aktiven Wirkstoffe. Während der Hauptwirkstoff in Kaffee das bekannte Koffein ist, wirken in Matcha noch weitere wertvolle Inhaltsstoffe: Die enthaltene Aminosäure L-Theanin zum Beispiel stimuliert Studien zufolge die Alphawellen im Gehirn, die für komplexe Aufgaben gebraucht werden.

Damit kann Matcha für mehr Fokus, mehr Kreativität und einen klareren Durchblick sorgen, der besonders im Arbeitsalltag sehr wertvoll ist.

Conclusion: Coffee increases energy, matcha increases energy AND focus. Matcha is a real productivity booster!

2) Better concentration

Viele Matcha-Liebhaber schwören auf Matcha als Produktivitäts-Hack - doch was ist wirklich dran?

Kaffee: Das enthaltene Koffein hebt die Energie kurzfristig, vor allem morgens. Es beseitigt die Morgenmüdigkeit und sorgt dafür, dass du morgens um 8 Uhr schon im Büro sitzen kannst. Gleichzeitig wirst Du hibbelig, nervös und Deine Konzentration kann abnehmen.

Viele Kaffeetrinker berichten auch von einem zittrigen Gefühl, wenn zu viel Kaffee konsumiert wurde.

Matcha: Ein grosser Unterschied zwischen Kaffee und Matcha ist die Zusammensetzung der aktiven Wirkstoffe. Während der Hauptwirkstoff in Kaffee das bekannte Koffein ist, wirken in Matcha noch weitere wertvolle Inhaltsstoffe: Die enthaltene Aminosäure L-Theanin zum Beispiel stimuliert Studien zufolge die Alphawellen im Gehirn, die für komplexe Aufgaben gebraucht werden.

Damit kann Matcha für mehr Fokus, mehr Kreativität und einen klareren Durchblick sorgen, der besonders im Arbeitsalltag sehr wertvoll ist.

Conclusion: Coffee increases energy, matcha increases energy AND focus. Matcha is a real productivity booster!

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3) Antioxidant boost

Antioxidants are on everyone's lips: After all, they are supposed to neutralize harmful radicals in the body, which can otherwise destroy the cell walls, DNA and structures in our body and have negative effects on us in the long term.

Coffee: The antioxidant effect is measured in the so-called ORAC value. This indicates how many of these free radicals can be neutralized by a certain substance. According to measurements, the ORAC value of coffee is between 20.3 per gram of instant coffee and 31.7 per gram in espresso.

Matcha: The ORAC value of ceremonial quality matcha is a full 1384 per gram - 40-60x higher than coffee! Even in comparison to well-known superfoods such as berries, matcha is clearly impressive here.

This high value is explained by the many secondary plant substances that are absorbed with matcha - after all, the entire green tea leaf is ground and drunk.

Conclusion: When it comes to antioxidants, Matcha wins the comparison by a wide margin. So if you value consuming as many antioxidants as possible for health reasons, Matcha is your perfect drink.

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4) Alkaline Energy

Our body needs a balanced acid-base balance to function optimally. We often live too “acidic” in our everyday lives: we eat too many foods that influence this balance towards acidity and too few that balance it out. How can coffee and matcha help here?

Coffee: Coffee contains caffeic acid, which can irritate the stomach, attack teeth and even make the entire body too acidic. The exact caffeic acid content depends on how long the beans were roasted.

Matcha: Unlike coffee, matcha has an alkaline effect on the body - this is the opposite of acidic and helps to counteract general over-acidification in the body.

By processing the entire green tea leaf, matcha also contains valuable prebiotics that are good for the healthy intestinal bacteria in the body and can therefore support your digestive tract.

Conclusion: Coffee can help to acidify the body, while matcha balances the acid-base balance and provides prebiotics for your digestion.

4) Alkaline Energy

Our body needs a balanced acid-base balance to function optimally. We often live too “acidic” in our everyday lives: we eat too many foods that influence this balance towards acidity and too few that balance it out. How can coffee and matcha help here?

Coffee: Coffee contains caffeic acid, which can irritate the stomach, attack teeth and even make the entire body too acidic. The exact caffeic acid content depends on how long the beans were roasted.

Matcha: Unlike coffee, matcha has an alkaline effect on the body - this is the opposite of acidic and helps to counteract general over-acidification in the body.

By processing the entire green tea leaf, matcha also contains valuable prebiotics that are good for the healthy intestinal bacteria in the body and can therefore support your digestive tract.

Conclusion: Coffee can help to acidify the body, while matcha balances the acid-base balance and provides prebiotics for your digestion.

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5) Better sleep

Caffeine in the body has been shown to affect sleep for up to 10 hours after consumption, which is why you should definitely avoid another cup of caffeine in the afternoon.

Coffee: In order to overcome the afternoon slump, the last cup of coffee is often drunk at 3, 4 or 5 p.m. - much too late to miss the 10-hour effect. The result: it can take longer to fall asleep, the deep sleep rhythm can become unbalanced and you simply don't feel refreshed the next day.

Matcha: Due to the slowly released energy in matcha, you only need one cup a day to get through an entire day. This means that there is no caffeine left in the body at bedtime that could disrupt your sleep rhythm - and in fact, many matcha drinkers report better sleep since switching.

Conclusion: If you drink matcha instead of coffee, you need less caffeine, as one cup will get you through the whole day. This makes it easier to fall asleep and sleep through the night.

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What is matcha?

Matcha is a type of green tea made from young tea leaves and powdered.

The green tea is shaded before harvesting, which encourages the plant to produce more nutrients.

The preparation is also different: with normal green tea, leaves are infused with water and then removed. With matcha, you drink the whole (powdered) tea leaf.


How do you make a matcha latte?

 Add 100ml water, matcha and, if desired, honey to the shaker.

Shake well for 15 seconds until no lumps are visible.

Add milk. Can be enjoyed hot or cold (with ice cubes).

Milk alternatives: orange juice, mango juice, apple juice, lemon juice, coconut water, etc.

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Eco Questions about matcha
What does matcha taste like? Plus

Matcha tastes like an earthy, creamy type of green tea, with less bitterness and more umami flavor. Similar to papaya (without acid) and slightly nutty like cashews. Hard to explain but very tasty.

Since many are still discovering the taste, matcha is often sweetened, mixed with milk and supplemented with chai, vanilla or cinnamon.

Some of our customers have never tried matcha before receiving their first Matchaland can. That's why we offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee.

If you don't like it, simply send it back and we'll give you a full refund.

Why is matcha more expensive than green tea? Plus

Making ceremony quality matcha powder is very complicated, time consuming and requires additional work - but it's worth it:

Matcha powder has 10 times the amount of antioxidants compared to a regular cup of green tea (luckily it doesn't cost 10 times as much) - and as much caffeine as a cup of coffee.

Can you enjoy matcha during pregnancy? Plus

As a general rule, excessive caffeine consumption is not recommended during pregnancy.

One cup of matcha contains less than 30 mg of caffeine. Therefore, you should be fine with drinking one cup per day.

However, we are not doctors and always recommend that you consult your doctor before drinking matcha during your pregnancy.

Is there a limit to how much matcha I can drink per day? Plus

That’s up to you and your body to decide! The same limits you would set for coffee should also apply to matcha - we've been drinking up to 4 servings a day (4x30mg caffeine is like a large Red Bull).

What if I don’t like matcha? Plus

Many of our customers have never tried matcha before receiving their first MatchaLand can. That's why we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee if you don't like it.

Cart questions about the order
How quickly will I receive my order? (Shipping options) Plus

We have 2 shipping options that you can select at checkout:

A Mail: 1-2 working days
B-Post: 3-4 working days

What payment methods are accepted? Plus
  • Credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express)
  • PostFinance card & e-finance
  • PayPal
  • Klarna
  • Purchase on account
  • Bank transfer (via Klarna)
What is the return policy? Plus

If you don't like the matcha, you can simply return it to us within 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

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If you don't like the matcha, you can simply return it to us within 30 days and we will give you a full refund.