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Matcha in der Schweiz Vergleich. Sirocco, nu3, Paper and Tea, MatchaLand. Matcha kaufen Schweiz.

Comparison: Organic Matcha in Switzerland

A comparison of matchas available in Switzerland.
Brands tested: nu3 Matcha, Sirocco Matcha, Paper & Tea (P&T) Matcha and MatchaLand Matcha.
Best Swiss Matcha Brand Comparison

The winner: MatchaLand

MatchaLand's Matcha offers all the benefits of high-quality Matcha at a fair price. It's also the only brand to offer an electric mixer and measuring spoon, as well as the eco-friendly option of ordering a refill pouch to refill the can.

Order your organic matcha starter set with mixer and measuring spoon now.

Order Starter Set →

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